LTS BackUp Service  
This new Backup Service will allow you to backup your files to our Server.
If you are doing local backups, that's great !!!
but what if your building burns down?....  GOD forbid!
That's exactly why we created this New, Secure, Quick, Easy to use service.
It is recommended to use LTS Backup Service - Secure and Fast Offsite Backups !!!

Why make back-ups?
Backing up files is done in case your hard disk crashes, viruses or sudden
unexplainable error causes your files to become corrupted.

Programs can always be reinstalled however, in the case of
of this system, once reinstalled the data files are blank. You should
have multiple backups in case one is bad. A good rule of thumb is
to backup more than once a day, why not? Its quick, simple, and it
protects your data.  It is recommended to keep an off-site copy.

In other words, let's say, every Friday take Friday's backup home or to a
bank vault, etc. in case of theft or your building burns down GOD forbid!

Quick Backups
When this system makes a backup, the data files are compressed into
one big compressed file called a zip-file using compression software to
conserve space and save time backing-up. It's really Fast too!!!

Say for instance, you want to enter Payments, Post to History, or
try something out. You can always make a quick backup to your
local hard disk inside your computer (yes it's ok to make a quick
backup to your local C: hard disk, it is quick and better than having to
go back to an older previous backup if only for some reasons your files
get corrupt.) To permanently set the default drive used to backup,
have everyone get out of system, select Utilities, System Information,
select Edit and set Backup Drive then proceed with backup.

Types of Backups can be:
1.) Use LTS Backup Service - Secure and Fast Offsite Backups (Recommended)

2.) If you are on a network, you can quickly and easily Backup
your Data Files to a different computer's hard disk by mapping
their drive to your system.  This is not a long term solution.
If your hard disk and there hard disk crashed at the same time....
you have nothing to RESTORE. It is beyond the scope of this help to
explain Networking, I recommend contact our technical support

3.) There are 2 ways to set the default Backup Drive & Directory

a.) Set your directory by clicking on the down-arrow to the right of
Backup Drive / Directory, Select the Save Settings Button.

b.) From the Main Menu, select Utilities, select System Information and set
Backup Drive/Directory.   Also, other backup options using a USB Hard-Disk, Flash/Thumb-Drive, Zip-Drive, CDROM, Tape, or networking backups.

4.) It is recommended to use LTS Backup Service - Secure and Fast Offsite Backups

Contact LTS Sales for more information.....225-278-7979

(c)Copyright 2013 Louisiana Towing Systems